Individuals who frequently forget to floss, or who fail to brush their teeth twice each day are often at increased risk for dental and periodontal health problems. Bacterial deposits that are not released from the teeth each day can harden into calculus near the gumline. Also known as hardened tartar this substance is one of the primary causes of gum... read more »
Your daily oral hygiene routine of brushing twice and flossing your teeth at least once each day is very important for maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. If bacterial deposits are allowed to accumulate on your teeth and near the gumline, it can significantly increase your chances of suffering from cavities and gum disease. As hardened tartar starts... read more »
The overall health of your mouth has a direct bearing on your quality of life. Preventing and detecting oral health issues early is incredibly important for maintaining a healthy mouth. The American Dental Association recommends having a routine dental exam and cleaning performed twice a year. Each dental checkup performed at Dr. Emanuel Amato’s clinic in Chandler, Arizona encompasses the... read more »